Saturday, November 05, 2005

Georgia on my Mind

I should be doing my homework, but I'm not. I haven't even put a sketch up for a while. I just had one post with overflowing emotions (I guess that's where people get off calling me "emo"). But I do have some stories to tell about Georgia. For all who don't know, I was in Georgia (Atlanta to be precise) for the "National Catholic Youth Conference". The theme was "Winds of Change" when it should have been called "Jump for Jesus" because it just seemed that shallow. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy my faith, especially the masses at my school. (which can be blamed for my high standards for all other masses, my school spoiled me) But when I went to "NCYC" (The abbreviation rings in my head and makes me want to choke someone) I saw a group (18,000+) of some wierd catholic kids trying WAY TOO HARD to enjoy their faith. Maybe this was the church trying desparately to reach out to the uninterested youth. (When I say uninterested I mean, the kind that found the television in the bathroom of the Georgia Dome and watched TV instead of go to mass.) More later, I'm being summoned by my master.

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